TURNERVILLE, Wyo.--Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Turner, 82, one of Star valley's oldest pioneers, died at her home here Saturday of ailments incident to age.
She was born in Mill Creek, Utah, February 1, 1850, a daughter of Archibald and Mary Ann Bradford Gardner. She married William A. Turner in the Salt Lake L. D. S. endowment house November 25, 1865, and moved with her family to Star valley, October 7, 1890, where she had resided since. Mrs. Turner was an ardent L. D. S. temple worker. Her husband died October 17, 1906.
Six sons and daughters survive: Steven, Archibald and Royal E. Turner and Mrs. Rebecca Izatt, Turnerville; Robert E. Turner, Le Grande, Ore.; Mrs. Rhoda Izatt, Afton; 46 grandchildren and 61 great-grandchildren.
Another obituary was published in the Star Valley Independent, 23 June 1932, p. 1:

Mrs. Mary E. Turner of Turnerville passed away at her home June 11, 1932. Mrs. Turner has been confined to her bed the biggest part of the time since last January, when she was taken ill with the flu and death resulted from complications due to old age, being past 82 years old.
She was the daughter of Archibald Gardner and Mary Ann Bradford. She was born February 1, 1850 at Mill Creek, Utah and was married November 25, 1865 to William A. Turner. They came to Star valley in October 1890 where they made their home. She was the mother of 10 children, 4 of whom have preceded her to the grave, and also her husband who passed away October 17, 1906.
Mrs. Turner was a diligent church worker and has a record of 520 people whom she has done temple work for.
She is survived by the following children: Mrs. Rhoda Izatt of Afton, Mrs. Rebecca Izatt of Turnerville, Stephen, Archibald and Rawsel E. Turner of Turnerville and Robert H. of Legrande, Oregon. She had 64 grandchildren and 61 great grandchildren.
Funeral services were held at Grover ward June 13 with the choir singing "Sometime We'll Understand." Prayer by Levi E. Merritt. Song by Ernest Turner and Emily Simpson "Oh Dry Those Tears." The speakers were Bishop Ray B. Thurman of Grover; Francis Simpson, Heman Hyde and Lyman W. Fluckiger. The Gardner boys sang "A Mothers work is done." Benediction by Peter Peterson.
She was buried in the Grover cemetery. Ozro Gardner dedicated the grave.
This is my line of descent, through Elizabeth Rebecca Turner Hinck Izatt (listed here as Mrs. Rebecca Izatt of Turnerville). I would be interested in hearing from family members on this line. I would like to know how many descendants there are now. I know the great grandchildren had to be at least 70, since the 61 listed here is 7 years before my grandmother married and began having her 9 children.